If you are about to make an important decision, let Best Decision's algorithms do the hard work for you
Buying new MacBook? Wondering which house is best for your family? Choosing holidays: tropical beach or a spirited trip through Asia? Always make the Best Decision! Best Decision is an extremely easy choice-making analytics app. It will tell you which decision is objectively the best, then YOU choose whatever you please.
Decision making process using Best Decision is extremely EASY and INTUITIVE



Most important FEATURES of Best Decision
- UNIVERSAL APP (works on your iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch and Mac)
- Uses iCloud to automatically SYNC your data between all your devices
- no subscriptions
- no ads
- highly FLEXIBLE
- tap and hold to CHANGE THE ORDER of decisions, options and criteria
- presents OBJECTIVELY BEST OPTION in comparison with all other sorted by rating results
- Decision TEMPLATES
- Touch ID/Face ID or password-protected so YOU DECIDE who can access your decisions
- USER FRIENDLY: guides you easily through the decision making process
- you can SHARE calculated verdict by Message, send it by mail, generate to PDF or save to Photos
- use 3D Touch ACTIONS on icon to quickly go to the last 3 decisions or create a new one
- find any decision in your SPOTLIGHT SEARCH by name or considered option
- work more efficiently with SLIDE OVER and SPLIT VIEW on your iPad and iPad Pro